Where Is Maplewood Elementary School Garden City Mi
Pricing & Floor Plans
* Prices and availability subject to change without notice.
* Square footage definitions vary. Displayed square footage is approximate.
About Maplewood Apartments
Maplewood Apartments in Garden City is ready for your visit. The 48135 location is an ideal place to move. Schedule a time to check out the current floorplan options. The team of leasing professionals is ready to show you our community. Drop by Maplewood Apartments today.
Maplewood Apartments is an apartment located in Wayne County, the 48135 ZIP Code, and the Garden City Public Schools attendance zone.
Lease Details & Fees
This Property
Available Property
City - Garden City
If you're looking for a terrific city in Michigan, Garden City provides an excellent location, tree-lined streets, and a peaceful beauty you'll love -- but it also features a vibrant shopping and dining district so everything you need is right down the street. For outdoor fun, residents head to Garden City Park, a tree-filled park with a paved walking trail, picnic areas, a playground, and the Garden City Civic Arena, an ice skating rink featuring hockey leagues.
With a large number of businesses, restaurants, and shops located along Ford and Middlebelt Roads, there's plenty within the boundaries of Garden City. But when you want to venture out, Garden City is about 15 miles west of Downtown Detroit. Westland, located on the west side of Garden City, is home to the Westland Shopping Center, an indoor shopping mall, West Ridge Shopping Center, and Westland Crossing.
Learn More About Garden City
Colleges & Universities
Maplewood Apartments is within 14 minutes or 5.9 miles from Henry Ford Community College. It is also near University of Michigan, Dearborn and Madonna University.
School data provided by GreatSchools The GreatSchools Rating helps parents compare schools within a state based on a variety of school quality indicators and provides a helpful picture of how effectively each school serves all of its students. Ratings are on a scale of 1 (below average) to 10 (above average) and can include test scores, college readiness, academic progress, advanced courses, equity, discipline and attendance data. We also advise parents to visit schools, consider other information on school performance and programs, and consider family needs as part of the school selection process.
Grades PK-12
615 Students
Grades PK-12
1,562 Students
Grades 9-12
1,034 Students
Maplewood Apartments is near Detroit Metropolitan, located 11.3 miles or 23 minutes away, and Detroit City, located 21.5 miles or 37 minutes away.
Airports | Drive | Distance |
Airports | Drive | Distance |
Detroit Metropolitan | 23 min | 11.3 mi |
Detroit City | 37 min | 21.5 mi |
Walkability Near Maplewood Apartments
Scores provided by
Points of Interest
Time and distance from Maplewood Apartments.
Shopping Centers | Walk | Distance |
Shopping Centers | Walk | Distance |
Strip Center at 6201-6237 Middlebelt Rd | 2 min | 0.1 mi |
Strip Center at 6248-6262 Middlebelt Rd | 2 min | 0.1 mi |
Strip Center at 6519-6591 Middlebelt Rd | 3 min | 0.1 mi |
Maplewood Apartments has 3 shopping centers within 0.1 miles, which is about a 3-minute walk. The miles and minutes will be for the farthest away property.
Parks and Recreation | Drive | Distance |
Parks and Recreation | Drive | Distance |
Nankin Mills Nature Center | 7 min | 3.0 mi |
Holliday Forest & Wildlife Preserve | 11 min | 4.7 mi |
Goudy Park and Amphitheatre | 12 min | 5.4 mi |
Environmental Interpretive Center | 13 min | 5.9 mi |
Bell Creek Recreation Area | 13 min | 6.0 mi |
Maplewood Apartments has 5 parks within 6.0 miles, including Nankin Mills Nature Center, Holliday Forest & Wildlife Preserve, and Goudy Park and Amphitheatre.
Property Ratings at Maplewood Apartments
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Where Is Maplewood Elementary School Garden City Mi
Source: https://www.apartments.com/maplewood-apartments-garden-city-mi/6sgycbr/
Posted by: snowgiviled.blogspot.com
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