
Can You Inhale Filtered Cigars

  • Journal List
  • Nicotine Tob Res
  • PMC6093475

Nicotine Tob Res. 2018 Sep; twenty(Suppl 1): S99–S106.

Piddling Cigars, Filtered Cigars, and their Carbonyl Delivery Relative to Cigarettes

Samantha M Reilly, PhD,1 Reema Goel, PhD,1 Zachary Bitzer, PhD,2 Ryan J Elias, PhD,two Jonathan Foulds, PhD,1 Joshua Muscat, PhD,one and John P Richie, Jr, PhD1

Samantha M Reilly

1Department of Public Health Sciences, Pennsylvania Land University Tobacco Center of Regulatory Scientific discipline (TCORS), Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, Hershey, PA

Reema Goel

1Section of Public Health Sciences, Pennsylvania State University Tobacco Center of Regulatory Science (TCORS), Pennsylvania State Academy College of Medicine, Hershey, PA

Zachary Bitzer

2Section of Food Science, Pennsylvania State University, College of Agricultural Sciences, University Park, PA

Ryan J Elias

twoDepartment of Nutrient Scientific discipline, Pennsylvania Land University, College of Agricultural Sciences, Academy Park, PA

Jonathan Foulds

1Department of Public Health Sciences, Pennsylvania Country University Tobacco Center of Regulatory Scientific discipline (TCORS), Pennsylvania State University Higher of Medicine, Hershey, PA

Joshua Muscat

1Department of Public Wellness Sciences, Pennsylvania State University Tobacco Heart of Regulatory Science (TCORS), Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, Hershey, PA

John P Richie, Jr

iDepartment of Public Health Sciences, Pennsylvania State University Tobacco Center of Regulatory Science (TCORS), Pennsylvania Land University Higher of Medicine, Hershey, PA

Received 2017 Aug 17; Accustomed 2018 Jan 12.



Trivial cigars and filtered cigars are currently growing in popularity due to their low price and wide variety of flavors while retaining an advent similar to cigarettes. Given the wellness consequences associated with cigarette use, it is of import to empathize the potential harm associated with these similar products. This includes the potential harm associated with carbonyls (eg, acetaldehyde, acrolein, formaldehyde, etc.), an important class of toxicants and carcinogens in tobacco smoke. Our objective was to determine the carbonyl levels in mainstream smoke from footling and filtered cigars compared to cigarettes.


We examined two brands each of little cigars and filtered cigars, as well as two research cigarettes for carbonyl commitment using the International Organization of Standards (ISO) and the Health Canada Intense (HCI) motorcar-smoking protocols.


On a per puff basis, the levels of five of the seven carbonyls were higher from lilliputian cigars than filtered cigars and cigarettes (ISO: 56–116%; HCI: 39–85%; p < .05). On a per unit footing, most carbonyl levels were college from both cigar types than cigarettes using the ISO method (ISO: 51–313%; p < .05) whereas but filtered cigars were higher using the HCI method (HCI: 53–99%; p < .05).


These findings suggest that cigar smokers can be exposed to higher levels of carbonyls per cigar than cigarette smokers per cigarette.


These information will increase our understanding of the relative harm from carbonyl exposure from little and filtered cigars both for cigar-only smokers and the cumulative harm among the growing population of cigarette–cigar multi-production smokers.


Little cigars are small cigars with cellulose acetate filters that are like in size, weight, and appearance to cigarettes. Since 2000, little cigars have been ascent in popularity with their usage increasing from 2 billion units sold in 2000 to most 6 billion sold in 2008 whereas cigarette usage decreased during this time.1,2 This popularity has been attributed to their similarity to cigarettes, lower cost compared to cigarettes, and diverseness of flavors.3 To further stress their similarity, one study found 42% of smokers misclassified lilliputian cigars every bit cigarettes.4 To combat the ascent in little cigars sales, an increment in federal excise tax was added to little cigars in 2009 to set up the revenue enhancement equal to cigarettes.5 Yet, to avoid this tax, tobacco companies changed their products to allocate as large cigars past increasing the weight, which was done by adding sepiolite, a dirt fabric also known as meerschaum, to the filter, elongating the products from 100 mm to 120 mm, and/or packing more tobacco to the cigar rod.six These new products are branded as filtered cigars (also known equally filtered large cigars) every bit they all the same maintain a filter and, despite the added weight and length, accept an advent similar to cigarettes. Filtered cigars maintain a cost lower than both cigarettes and little cigars. For case, in Dauphin County, PA, filtered cigars are $2 for a pack of 20 compared to $5 for a pack of 20 little cigars or cigarettes. Because of this toll difference, filtered cigar sales have increased (exact numbers unknown every bit sales of these products are grouped with other big cigars, only large cigar sales rose from half-dozen billion units sold in 2008 to 13 billion in 2011)1,2 with most smokers attributing their utilise of the product to In addition, one study found that filtered cigars were currently beingness used by 2% of adults (0.4% daily users) whereas cigarettes are used by xviii% (sixteen% daily users) in 2013–2014;viii all the same, with how often these products are mistaken for cigarettes (42% for little cigars and 34% for filtered cigars in one report),iv it is highly probable that the usage of these products was actually higher.

Increased usage of filtered cigars and trivial cigars, the US Nutrient and Drug Administration's (FDA) new deeming rule that regulates all cigar products,9 and the recent warning letters sent to four companies that produce these products,10 all suggest that understanding the potential harm and poison exposure of these types of cigars is an important area of concern. Currently, compared to cigarettes, fiddling is known near the levels of toxic substances in mainstream smoke from these products. Carbonyls are one of import grade of toxicants institute in tobacco smoke which has not been thoroughly investigated in little and filtered cigars. Seven carbonyls are listed on the FDA published list of 93 harmful and potentially harmful constituents (HPHC) in tobacco fume: acetaldehyde, acrolein, acetone, formaldehyde, propionaldehyde, crotonaldehyde, and methyl ethyl ketone (MEK).eleven While carbonyls are abundant in cigarette smoke,12–18 to appointment, in that location are few reports on their levels in little cigars and most focus on products which are no longer current or popular.nineteen,xx In 1 recent report, acrolein delivery in sheet-wrapped cigars was like still more variable than in cigarettes; however, no distinction was made between niggling cigars and filtered cigars.21 To our knowledge there are no studies examining carbonyls in newer filtered cigars in comparison to either little cigars or cigarettes.

This is farther complicated by the lack of information on smoking behaviors displayed past little and filtered cigar smokers. There is just i previous report by Pickworth et al. that examines puff topography for dual users of little cigars and cigarettes.vii The written report showed that the average puff topography of dual users using picayune cigars are similar to those when using cigarettes, albeit with a lower puff book towards the end of the smoking session and slightly fewer puffs However, this study examined lilliputian cigar topography and not filtered cigars, bold both products would exist similar which might not be truthful as filtered cigars can accept additional material in the filter that could potentially affect smoking topography. Thus, it is important to capture the range that is possible as established by cigarettes as the smoking topographies used for these products are withal unclear.

Overall, our objective was to determine the carbonyl content in mainstream fume from different brands of little cigars and filtered cigars when smoked under two controlled and standardized methods (International Organization of Standards, ISO, and Health Canadian Intense, HCI) and compare these results to levels observed both to each other and to those in conventional cigarettes, gaining a ameliorate agreement of the relative damage of these products. As these two topographies embrace the vast majority of cigarette smoking topographies (~86%),22,23 these methods provide a reasonable starting point for analyzing the carbonyl output from cigars beyond different topographies to better estimate if in that location are differences in potential harm to both single and dual users of these cigars.



Acetonitrile (ACN) and full-bodied hydrochloric acid (12N HCl) were purchased from Fisher Scientific (Pittsburgh, PA) and used as supplied. Diglyme and dinitrophenylhydrazones of formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, crotonaldehyde, propionaldehyde, and MEK were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO) and used every bit supplied. ii,four-Dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH) was purchased from BOC Sciences (Shirley, NY) and was recrystallized in acetaldehyde before use to remove water.24

Cigars and Cigarettes

The 2 picayune cigar brands (Winchester and Captain Black Sweets) and ii filtered cigar brands (Cheyenne Full Flavor 100s and Criss Cross Total Flavor) were purchased locally by the researchers (Dauphin and Lebanon counties, PA). These brands were chosen as they are classified as little cigars and filtered cigars almost everywhere, whereas other brands might differ based on state statutes (ie, Santa Fe, Swisher Sweets, etc.). This is of import as Pennsylvania law defines the cut-off of little and filtered cigars differently (four lbs per thou)25 than federal police (three lbs per 1000).five The 3R4F and 1R6F enquiry cigarettes were obtained and shipped from the Academy of Kentucky (Lexington, KY) without refrigeration. These research cigarettes were used as a reference for cigarettes on the US market as previous studies take shown that the carbonyl levels delivered by these research cigarettes are comparable to the levels delivered from commercial cigarettes.26,27 Afterward purchase (cigars) and shipment (cigarettes), the cigars and cigarettes were stored at −80°C in airtight plastic bags. To condition the products properly, at least 24 h earlier employ, the products were placed in a constant humidity bedroom (60% relative humidity, 22 ± 1°C) to ensure like wet content across products.28

Mainstream Fume Generation

Mainstream fume was generated by a single-port smoking machine (Homo Puff Contour Cigarette Smoking Machine (CSM-HPP), CH Technologies, NJ). One product was smoked at a fourth dimension nether the International System of Standardization (ISO; 35 mL puff volume, ii southward puff duration, 60 s interpuff interval)29 and Health Canada Intense (HCI; 55 mL puff volume, 2 s puff duration, 30 due south interpuff interval, ventilation blocked)30 methods. Per puff yields were determined by dividing the average cigar/cigarette carbonyl yields by the number of puffs to smoke an entire cigar/cigarette and are not measured for each puff directly.

Derivatization of Carbonyls

DNPH solution was made as described previously24,27,31 by dissolving 0.v chiliad recrystallized DNPH in 25 mL diglyme, 180 µL 12N HCl, and 75 mL ACN. Similar to previous work,31 mainstream smoke generated from ane cigarette/cigar using the CSM-HPP was pumped through Tygon tubing by the smoking auto pump to an impinger containing 10 mL of DNPH solution. The solution was then transferred into a scintillation vial, 500 uL of pyridine was added to ensure acrolein did non dethrone with time, and stored at 4°C until HPLC-UV assay. We performed two replicates of cigarettes and three replicates of cigars, significant north = 4–half dozen for each product category. Cigarettes were merely replicated twice each every bit the values and standard deviations were similar to those previously published.27,31,32 Although samples were found to be stable for a minimum of 2 weeks under these conditions by testing the aforementioned samples over fourth dimension, all HPLC-UV analyses were performed within 3 days of collection to permit ample time for reanalysis if necessary.


High performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection (HPLC-UV) analyses were performed using a binary system consisting of two Waters (Milford, MA) 510 pumps, a Shimadzu (Kyoto, Japan) SPD-10A VP UV-Vis Detector, and a Hitachi (Tokyo, Japan) D-2500 Integrator. The method used was based on the CORESTA method, only has been optimized for utilize with two pumps instead of three.32 This method was described previously31 with a recovery for all carbonyls of >98% and a precision of ~12%. Briefly, the carbonyls were separated past a C18 cavalcade (Bondclone, 10 µm × 300 mm × 3.9 mm; Phenomenex, Torrance, CA) using xxx% acetonitrile, 10% tetrahydrofuran, and 1% isopropanol (A) and 65% acetonitrile, 1% tetrahydrofuran, and 1% isopropanol (B) mobile phases. The elution gradient was: 0 min, 100% A; 8 min, lxx% A; xvi min, lx% A; 20 min, 54% A; 22 min, 40% A; 25 min, 100% A; and 31 min 100% A. The period rate was one.5 mL/min, and the detection wavelength was 365 nm. All sample injections were 20 µL and injected with a Hewlett Packard (Palo Alto, CA) Series 1050 autosampler. All measurements were carried out at room temperature (22 ± 1°C).

Smoldering Assay

To test the differences in smoldering rate, products were placed in the unmarried-port smoking machine and lit using the ISO method. After the lighting puff, the altitude from ashes to filter overwrap was measured to ensure that the corporeality lost to the start puff was non counted as function of the smoldering. So, the ISO method was stopped, and the product was left alone for 3 minutes before measuring the production over again. This was repeated in triplicate for each brand tested (n = 6 for each product type).

Physical Parameter Analyses

Ventilation was measured equally previously described.33 Lengths were measured using a Vernier caliper. Weights were determined using an belittling remainder (±0.0001 g). Starting time, the unaltered product was weighed. And then the filter was removed and the product was reweighed. This was performed a minimum of triplicate for each brand tested.

Statistical Analysis

For all product comparisons, one-style ANOVAs with Tukey contrasts were used to evaluate all pairwise comparisons presented as the information appeared to meet ANOVA assumptions. All statistical analyses were generated using SAS software Version 9.4 of the SAS System for Windows x64 Systems (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC).


Production Characteristics

Commencement, we analyzed the products for differences in product design. The 2 research cigarettes were 85 mm in length. The cigars varied from 85 mm (Winchester) to 120 mm (Criss Cross). Niggling cigars weighed approximately the same as cigarettes; however, filtered cigars weighed more than than both other products (Effigy 1). To intermission down what contributes to this weight deviation, we besides weighed the filters and the tobacco plus wrapping separately. Filters of piddling cigars were similar to cigarettes in terms of appearance (Figure 2); yet, the weight was significantly less (Figure 1; p < .05). The filters of both brands of filtered cigars contained a clay-similar material (Figure 2), mostly likely sepiolite based on previous reports,6 and weighed significantly more than (p < .05) than the filters of both cigarettes and piffling cigars. The tobacco plus wrapping of filtered cigars were significantly heavier (p < .05) than lilliputian cigars and cigarettes. The smoldering stage was institute to business relationship for a greater amount of tobacco combustion in cigarettes than in either cigar product (Figure 4B). Both types of cigars were less vented than cigarettes (Figure 4C).

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is ntx27401.jpg

Weight distribution differences in little cigars, filtered cigars, and cigarettes. Two brands of little cigars (Winchester Full Flavor and Captain Blackness Sweets), filtered cigars (Cheyenne Full Flavor 100s and Criss Cross Full Flavour), and cigarettes (1R6F and 3R4F) were disassembled and weights of the entire cigar or cigarette, of the tobacco and wrapping, and of the filters were recorded. In a higher place the tobacco+wrapping bars are the percentages of the full weight that is accounted for by the tobacco and wrapping for each product. Means with different letters are significantly different (p < .05).

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is ntx27402.jpg

Photographs of the Filter Differences between Little Cigars (A: Winchester Little Cigar) and Filtered Cigars (B: Criss Cross Full Flavored Filtered Cigar).

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is ntx27404.jpg

Differences in puff number and smoldering rate for cigarettes and cigars. (A) Puff number between products for ISO and HCI smoking protocols. (B) Smoldering rate between little cigars (LC), filtered cigars (FC), and cigarettes over iii min after a 35 mL puff. (C) Percent ventilation for all three products tested. Means with different letters are significantly unlike (p < .05).

Carbonyl delivery: ISO Method

The products were analyzed on a per puff basis (Figure 3A, summit; Supplementary Table 1). Little cigars resulted in significantly college levels (p < .05) of near carbonyls than cigarettes with exceptions being formaldehyde, which was significantly lower (1.four ± 0.iii vs. ii.2 ± 0.3 µg/puff), and crotonaldehyde, which was not significantly different. Filtered cigars had similar commitment compared to cigarettes per puff for a majority of the carbonyls; however, formaldehyde was lower (1.5 ± 0.2 vs. 2.2 ± 0.3 µg/puff) while MEK (4.3 ± 1.ii vs. 2.3 ± 0.v µg/puff) and acetone (23 ± i vs. 15 ± 4 µg/puff) were higher (p < .05). All the same, per unit (Figure 3A, bottom), filtered cigars produced significantly higher levels of all carbonyls except crotonaldehyde than cigarettes. Compared to little cigars, filtered cigars produced like levels per cigar for all carbonyls except formaldehyde (28 ± 2 vs. xv ± 5 µg/unit) and MEK (fourscore ± 10 vs. 52 ± 2 µg/unit of measurement), which were higher. Puff number (Figure 4A) for filtered cigars (20 ± iv) was significantly greater from both little cigars (eleven ± one) and cigarettes (9 ± 1).

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is ntx27403.jpg

Carbonyl delivery for little cigars, filtered cigars, and cigarettes. Carbonyl output was expressed by puff (tiptop) and by unit of measurement (bottom) for both ISO (A) and HCI (B) smoking protocols. Means with different letters are significantly unlike (p < .05).

Carbonyl Commitment: HCI Method

We also assessed carbonyl delivery under the HCI method. When analyzed on a per puff basis (Effigy 3B, top; Supplementary Table 2), similar to the ISO method, piffling cigars showed significantly college levels (p < .05) than cigarettes for propionaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and acetone; however, formaldehyde, acrolein, MEK, and crotonaldehyde were not significantly different. Delivery from filtered cigars using the HCI method was equivalent to cigarettes per puff for a majority of the carbonyls; however, formaldehyde (1.vii ± 0.3 vs. 6.four ± 1.two µg/puff) and crotonaldehyde (ii.1 ± 0.3 vs. iv.i ± 0.four µg/puff) were lower (p < .05). Per unit, filtered cigars delivered significantly higher levels than cigarettes for a majority of the carbonyls using the HCI method (Figure 3B, bottom); however, they were not significantly different for acrolein and crotonaldehyde while formaldehyde was significantly lower (33 ± xi vs. 63 ± 5 µg/unit). Compared to little cigars, filter cigars produced similar amounts of all carbonyls except MEK (183 ± xv vs. 127 ± 28 µg/unit) and acetaldehyde (183 ± 15 vs. 127 ± 28 µg/unit), both of which were higher from filtered cigars.


Our results demonstrated that the commitment of carbonyls from little cigars and filtered cigars can be similar to or greater than that for cigarettes nether two different machine-smoking regimens (ISO and HCI methods), with the exception of formaldehyde, for the products tested. Filtered cigars delivered college levels of acetaldehyde, propionaldehyde, acetone, and MEK than cigarettes, regardless of method, and higher acrolein levels than cigarettes for the ISO method. Niggling cigars delivered college levels of acetaldehyde, propionaldehyde, MEK, acrolein, and acetone than cigarettes for the ISO method, just not for the more intensive HCI method, except for acetone. Because private cigar users vary greatly in their usage behaviors with many falling in between the ISO and HCI methods co-ordinate to i report,7 it is likely that users of these products volition be exposed on average to equal or greater levels of several toxic and carcinogenic carbonyls per unit smoked than cigarette smokers. This finding is similar to the nicotine differences previously observed between cigarettes and little/filtered cigars.34 These differences in carbonyl exposure from these products could put the little cigar and filtered cigar smoker at a greater chance for development of tobacco-related diseases compared to cigarette smokers per unit of measurement smoked. This data is of import when because the development of regulatory strategies for these new and emerging cigar products. These findings propose that, if the FDA regulates carbonyl delivery for cigarettes, both little and filtered cigars should be regulated in a similar fashion and perhaps even more stringently based upon a greater commitment of toxic carbonyls.

We establish that, as previously noted,5 footling cigars are very similar to cigarettes in weight. However, filter weight was lower in little cigars, indicating a difference in their construction with a greater percentage of the weight being composed of tobacco in these products (82% for little cigars vs. 77% for cigarettes). In addition, we did note that for Captain Black Sweets, the merely flavored product tested, in that location was flavoring in the filter, which was clearly discolored and sweet smelling. The filtered cigars in our study weighted more than similar sized niggling cigars and cigarettes and greater than reported previously (1.8 thou/unit compared to 1.36 g that were reported elsewhere (Figure 1).35 This is likely a event of the Pennsylvania law that sets the cut-off for picayune cigars at four lbs/1000 cigars (one.eight g/unit),25 which is unlike from the federal definition (3 lbs/1000, i.36 k/unit).5 Their filters also weighed significantly more (p < 0.05) than those of little cigars and cigarettes, maintaining a larger percentage of the full weight of the production (31% vs. 23% (cig.) and 18% (LC)). This difference is likely due, in part, to the addition of heavier materials, such as sepiolite, to the filter, as previously speculated (Figure ii).6

On a per unit basis, we found that acetaldehyde delivery was highest from filtered cigars using both the ISO and HCI methods. As acetaldehyde is the near arable carcinogen in cigarette fume,36 this finding is significant, although not fully unexpected every bit there is much more tobacco in these products and tobacco combustion is the source of nigh carbonyls in tobacco smoke. On the other hand, lilliputian cigars produce more acetaldehyde than cigarettes using the ISO method and similar amounts using the HCI method. Like to acetaldehyde, propionaldehyde and MEK levels are greater from filtered cigars on both methods while delivery from picayune cigars was greater using the ISO method, but not using the HCI method. We believe the difference between the methods for the little cigars arises from the differences in ventilation (33% for cigarettes and fifteen% for petty cigars) between the products existence corrected for when using the HCI method. Thus, these filtered cigars are potentially more than harmful than cigarettes in terms of acetaldehyde, MEK, and propionaldehyde delivery while the piffling cigars are greater than or similar to cigarettes, depending on the smoking topography and/or ventilation blocking.

Acrolein, a well-known and astringent respiratory and cardiovascular toxicant,11,37 was significantly higher from footling cigars and filtered cigars using the ISO method, but not the HCI method. This suggests that ventilation might play a role in the corporeality of acrolein delivered past these products, like to acetaldehyde. Notwithstanding, as filtered cigars are not greater using the HCI method like acetaldehyde, it is also possible that the differences in burning that arises from larger puff volumes besides affect these levels as HCI has a larger puff volume than ISO. This finding also agrees with previously literature for canvass-wrapped cigars, which institute that the acrolein levels were like between products.21

Acetone levels were significantly higher from little cigars and filtered cigars on both methods. The delivery is ~3 times higher than cigarettes using the ISO method and ~ii times higher using the HCI method, showing that the difference decreases using the more intense method. This finding suggests that potential respiratory harm from acetone, which is a known respiratory toxicant, would exist greater from these products if smoked similarly to cigarettes. In contrast to these acetone findings, crotonaldehyde was found to not be significantly different per unit for whatever product based on any smoking authorities.

In contrast to the other carbonyls studied here, formaldehyde was found to be lower in filtered cigars than the other two products per unit. This most likely arises from the addition of sepiolite to their filters. Sepiolite tin can potentially reduce carbonyls past adsorption co-ordinate to both scientific reports38,39 and numerous cigarette filter patents.forty–42 In addition to these properties, sepiolite would preferentially remove of particulate phase particles as these would stick more readily to the fabric than the gas-phase, which is important as formaldehyde is more associated with the particulate phase than any other carbonyl.43 Nevertheless, we do want to stress that even with formaldehyde levels being lower, most other carbonyls are greater than from lilliputian cigars and cigarettes, thus the lower amount of formaldehyde is not an indication of a safer product.

In addition to affecting formaldehyde levels, sepiolite's adsorption backdrop could also assist explain why the carbonyls do not increase every bit drastically as expected when considering the large difference in the amount of tobacco being burned and consumed between products. This stands out greatly when considering the quite dramatic difference in puff number betwixt the products (Effigy 4A) and the way these products smolder over time (Figure 4B), both of which suggest that smokers are able to combust and inhale more tobacco smoke from cigars over fourth dimension than cigarettes. The examination by puff accounts for whatever occasions when a smoker might not smoke whatsoever entire unit of measurement, as has been noted earlier for these products.7 Per puff, filtered cigars evangelize like amounts of carbonyls compared to cigarettes while niggling cigars deliver much more; thus, these findings also suggest that these products are at to the lowest degree equally harmful as cigarettes.

Our study has a few limitations. Get-go, information technology is important to note that our study is using research cigarettes, which are not for man consumption, as a reference instead of commercial cigarettes; even so, these cigarettes tend to be representative of commercial cigarettes equally shown by multiple studies.26,27 For instance, Pazo et al.26 found the 3R4F research cigarette delivered acetaldehyde levels (hateful ± SD: 610 ± 170 µg/cigarette) which were comparable to those plant in 50 domestic brands of cigarettes (range: 194–1143 µg/cigarette; mean ± SD: 614 ± 194 µg/cigarette) using the ISO method. Comparable results were obtained for other carbonyls as well as for the HCI protocol. The carbonyl levels we obtained for filtered cigars and piffling cigars were similar, if not higher, than the majority of commercial cigarettes equally reported by Pazo et al.26 Secondly, we only looked at two of each product, limiting the generalizability of the results; even so, the findings suggest that these products can exist every bit bad if not worse than cigarettes in terms of carbonyl delivery. Lastly, we did not measure each puff individually. Every bit carbonyl levels take been plant to vary between puffs downwardly the cigarette rod,44,45 more work will need to be done to determine if the aforementioned is true for little and filtered cigars.

Altogether, our findings suggest that filtered cigars and trivial cigars may present a greater run a risk than cigarettes based upon carbonyl commitment, which supports the FDA's recent regulation of these products46 and alert letters sent to 4 of the manufacturers of these products.47 Multiple studies have shown that little cigar perception is mixed among smokers currently with 1 study reporting a minority (29.9%) of youth cigar users believing that cigars might be less harmful than cigarettes48 and another reporting comments most little cigars ranging from "little cigars are much more harmful than cigarettes" to "little cigars do not cause cancer."49 Ane last written report establish that, in general, little cigars are perceived as more favorable than cigarettes regarding potential harm to health.50 Our findings can be used to combat this mixed perception by informing the public about the levels of some of the carcinogens and toxicants produced by little and filtered cigars. This information can help guide FDA regulation of these combustible tobacco products, specifically in terms of setting advisable product standards and informing the public of potential poisonous substance exposures from these products. This newspaper demonstrates that filtered cigars and little cigars tin deliver a higher dose of harmful carbonyls per unit than cigarettes and should exist regulated just as, if not even more, rigorously. In addition to helping guide regulation, these data will help to increase our understanding of the cumulative impairment among the always-growing population of cigarette–cigar multi-product smokers when more information becomes available on their usage and smoking behaviors. Further, future studies of deliveries of carbonyls and other toxic agents from the spectrum of brands of little and filtered cigars on the marked are warranted.


This work was supported past the National Institute on Drug Abuse of the National Institutes of Health and the Middle for Tobacco Products of the US Food and Drug Assistants (under Honour Number P50-DA-036107). The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health or the US Food and Drug Administration.

Announcement of Interests

JF has done paid consulting for pharmaceutical companies involved in producing smoking abeyance medications including GSK, Pfizer, Novartis, J&J, and Cypress Bioscience, and has received a research grant and study drug from Pfizer (non relating to toxicant output from cigarettes or cigars). There are no competing interests to declare for other authors.

Supplement Sponsorship

This supplement was sponsored by the Center for the Evaluation and Coordination of Training and Inquiry for Tobacco Regulatory Science (5U54CA189222).

Supplementary Material

Supplementary information are available at Nicotine & Tobacco Research online.

Supplementary Tables i and two


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Can You Inhale Filtered Cigars,


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