
What Is The Coolest Animal On Earth

The art of cool. Who doesn't desire to think they have a business firm grasp of what information technology takes to be cool? We like to practice and hope to perfect the skill. Our wardrobe, the walk, the dance, our Top Gun shades. Many of us aim — struggle — to project cool. But the best cool has a natural menses. It's showing up and being ourselves, being a slice of mellow you lot can't generate artificially.

This is why you gotta love cool animals! While there are animals that indeed endeavour to get your attending (we're talking to you, dog globe) but overall, animals are just going near their business as they project an aureola of cool that y'all want to wear.

These are the x coolest animals in the earth:

#10. Okapi

Coolest Animals: Okapi
The Okapi has a very long tongue. Their tongues are so long, in fact, that okapis employ them to wash their eyelids, clean out their ears, and fifty-fifty swat insects away from their neck.

seth miles/

Y'all might retrieve this creature is a relative to the zebra with its striping. But they are cousins of the giraffe. Herbivores, the okapi mostly diets on grass, leaves, and other plants. You'll detect them in Africa's Democratic Commonwealth of Congo.

Amidst the okapi's predators are leopards and humans. The okapi does accept these cool natural defenses. Their large ears can observe the slightest disturbance in the environment, warning them of danger. But — wait for it! — all the animals take to do is turn away as the dark-brown and white markings on their butts make for great camouflage in the forest.

#9. The Fossa

Coolest Animals: The Fossa
Malagasy fossa (Cryptoprocta ferox) in a tree. The fossa is one of the top predators on the island of Republic of madagascar. Fossas take odor glands that release a stinky smell when the animal is irritated or frightened.


Found in the forest habitats of Madagascar, the fossa has the physical characteristics of a hairless cat. These carnivores are more Mongoose than feline though. They hunt day and nighttime with more half their feed consisting of lemurs.

Despite its cat-like appearance, the animal can abound up to half-dozen anxiety in length. Fossas are fierce predators with semi-retractable claws. Unlike many animals in trees who usually jump down, the fossa can climb down headfirst, which tin can be jarring to see. And young females are temporarily guys until they achieve adulthood.

#viii. The Maned Wolf

Coolest Animals: The Maned Wolf
The maned wolf derives its proper noun from the characteristic mane on its cervix which stands erect when it scents danger.

Vladimir Wrangel/

This lanky critter is more than dog than anything and has no relation to either trick or wolf. It calls home the grasslands of central-west, s, and southeastern Brazil. The maned wolf's a loner and splits it dining betwixt plants and meats.

The maned wolf uses horrible smelling feces and urine to mark its territory. And information technology works. Not many animals or humans will stay in the vicinity long. Surprisingly, this wolf doesn't howl, another trait that separates it from the family unit. Instead, similar to dogs, the creature emits loud or roaring barks. They use the sounds to scare other wolves and to permit mates know where they are. Ain't that cute?

#7. The "Blue Dragon"

Coolest Animals: The "Blue Dragon"
Blue Dragon, Glaucus atlanticus, eat big, venomous prey, such as the Portuguese human o' war and the blue button jelly, and store their prey's stinging cells in their bodies to later use against predators.

Its formal name is Glaucus atlanticus. It floats upside down in the water, using its blue side to blend unseen into the water. If yous spy information technology, y'all see what looks like a small dragon. Hence, the "Blueish Dragon" moniker. These cool animals feed on the infamous man o' war, a species information technology's really related to. The Blue Dragon also delivers an constructive sting you want nothing to do with.

Considered a sea slug, the blue dragon is a relatively new detect. But different a lot of new species that habitat select regions, this species is popping up in what seems everywhere. Initially calling the Indian Pacific Oceans their home, researchers had to revise their findings after the animals showed in the Bay of California. Next, the critters showed upwards in Taiwan. Afterwards, they, apparently ready to take over the world, showed up in South Padre Island in Texas and, the same yr, S Africa's Cape Town.

#6. Japanese Spider Crab

Coolest Animals: Japanese Spider Crab
Japanese Spider Crab has the largest leg span of any arthropod.

Sean Pavone/

This arachnid makes the cool list for its ability to scare the heck out of yous. If you lot fear spiders, stay out of the waters surrounding Nippon. This spider crab, from claw to claw, has been sighted in sizes of up to 18 feet. The merely sea beast heavier than the Japanese spider crab is the American lobster. The Japanese spider crab'south a delicacy in its region merely not easy to grab.

These creatures have extremely long legs, adding to the creepy. At their largest, they stand at least two to three feet (or more) off the ground. And their legs never stop growing throughout their lifespan! Fortunately, they tend to keep to shallow, colder h2o. Oddly enough, they don't swim!

#v. Slow Loris

Coolest Animals: Slow Loris
Dull Loris monkey sitting in a tree with green leaf as background. Wearisome lorises often hang upside-down from branches by their feet and so they can use both hands to eat.

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If a slow loris gives you the eye, your centre will cook. Just melt like butter. And while you comprehend its adorability, it may take the opportunity to share a bite that'll be seriously venomous. They're also capable of being completely silent to forbid discovery.

The slow loris has ii — that's dos — tongues. The jagged tongue's in play for cleaning teeth. The longer 1 sucks at flowers to go nectar. These absurd animals are the only primates with a venomous bite. Only ordinarily, information technology'southward merely applied to protect themselves from predators and rivals.

#4. Angora Rabbit

Coolest Animals: Angora Rabbit
Beautiful fluffy white Angora Rabbit sitting outdoors in summer. Angora rabbits are ordinarily bred for their long, soft wool, but they make slap-up pets also.


The hairiest breed of rabbit, the angora is famous for existence ane of the almost touchable creatures in the world. Fluffy and cute, they originate in Turkey but spread across Europe before import to these United States. The angora rabbit sheds its fur at least three or iv times a year. As angora is a highly sought-later fabric, we wonder if owners look effectually with brooms.

Angora is every bit much every bit seven times comfier and warmer than sheep wool. Unfortunately, that's a challenge for owners who have to manage high temps effectually angora rabbits. They're pretty hardy merely do thrive better in winters. Some suggest you lot keep the rabbit trimmed during heated seasons. And why not? Make a sweater.

#3. Pacu Fish

Coolest Animals: Pacu Fish
Piranhas have pointed razor-abrupt teeth whereas the pacu has squarer, straighter teeth, that eerily resemble those of humans.


Catch a pacu, open its mouth and guess what you'll see? A mouth total of what looks like human teeth and a tongue. A member of the piranha family unit, it'due south a larger sea creature and resides in Due south American waters and in the rivers of the Amazon. The pacu does not chow on meat though. Information technology prefers nuts and seeds, though they have the capacity to injure other animals.

Owners of the pacu fish observe they take a laid-back temperament. Like a canine, the fish has the capacity to nuzzle comfortably with its owner. (How a fish nuzzles is across us and we haven't found whatsoever video to ostend this.) Yet, nosotros'd imagine it'd exist pretty cool to accept a fish the size of a pocket-size child sitting in your lap while yous read James Joyce.

#2. Axolotl

Coolest Animals: Axolotl
An Axolotl in an aquarium. The axolotl is a freshwater salamander that spends its entire life underwater. This highly intelligent amphibian'south behavior can range among individuals from social to lone and active to fallow.


The axolotl could be a Pokémon or even the new character in a Pixar striking. It can even look like it's smiling at you. Spotted in lakes around Mexico, the salamander is amphibious but strictly lives its adult life in the water. Unfortunately, they're an endangered species, falling prey to predators and the urbanization of their ecosystems.

What's extremely absurd well-nigh these animals is their ability to regenerate. Well, information technology's not unusual for many species of amphibians, simply axolotls get into territory no amphibian has. They too regenerate limbs but as well spines, jaws, and even parts of the brain with no sign of scarring. Science has studied the creatures for years trying to figure out how they exercise it.

#1. Blobfish

Coolest animal Blobfish
The female Blobfish lays thousands of small pink eggs on the seafloor. Either the female or male blobfish will sit on the eggs to protect them from predators.

At kickoff report, the blobfish looks like melted wax, the face resembling a grouchy former human being. It has nighttime optics on opposite sides of its face, a big punchdrunk olfactory organ, and the countenance of constipation. Living in the deepest waters of Tasmania, Australia, and New Zealand, the blobfish's density is barely to a higher place that of water. They chase by floating lazily until creatures wander into its mouth. Now, that's either cool or actually lazy.

They take strong familial instincts. The female tin lay thousands of eggs and either parent will sit on the hatchlings to protect them from predators. Different other fish, blobfish don't have a swim bladder. They acquit an air sac that lets them adjust their buoyancy. And, for the record, the blobfish only has that melted expect out of water.

In guild, the coolest animals in the earth are:

  • Okapi
  • The Fossa
  • The Maned Wolf
  • The 'Blue Dragon'
  • Japanese Spider Crab
  • Slow Loris
  • Angora Rabbit
  • Pacu Fish
  • Axolotl
  • Blobfish

BONUS Coolest Animals!!! – Tigers

Coolest Animals - Tiger
Young Siberian tiger, Panthera tigris altaica, walking in a forest stream in a dark green spruce woods. Tigers are very skilful swimmers and have been known to drown their prey.

Martin Mecnarowski/

So many of the animals on the listing are unique and exotic. We idea this won't be a well-rounded piece if we didn't include at least one familiar creature that didn't experience like we made information technology up.

The tiger, with its majestic opinion, has always been a cool creature. It reeks of elegance and leadership. The largest of all cats, it calls home to Turkey, Asia, Russia, and many other parts of the globe. They are fierce and powerful creatures. And those stripes!

You lot can hear the tiger's roar upward to two miles away. Their vocal stretch would make opera divas stomp off in a jealous funk. And while you don't want to cuddle with them, they have a lot in common with the house cat. They play, remainder much of the day and go a kicking out of catnip. But unlike most felines, the tiger loves water and is known to swim up to five miles a stretch.

Next Up: ten Most Beautiful Animals in the World

Nigh the Author

AZ Animals is a growing team of animals experts, researchers, farmers, conservationists, writers, editors, and -- of course -- pet owners who have come together to assistance you better understand the beast kingdom and how we interact.

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